Create daily excitement by simply plugging in to the Free daily
GROW RICH call in Home Business Academy (HBA).
You may see more about HBA HERE
or see your Sponsors link HERE:
Be a part of something that inspires you to grow,
become a better person and helps keep you accountable
to achieving your goals and dreams every day.
Getting on the free Grow Rich call each morning will do this.
There’s a replay also if you happen to miss it in the morning.
Grow Rich Mastermind Call
Monday through Friday @ 9 AM EST.
Live - 667-770-1524 access 565762#
24-hour Replay - 712-432-0990 Access 565762#
Or you can use VOIP website here to dial in to not use your phone
plan minutes (good for outside USA people)
Albie's Link:
Your Sponsor's Link: HERE
Why This Formula Works:
The reason why this works is because excitement and enthusiasm are like
pouring gasoline on the "fire" of your opportunity!
Excitment and enthusiasm help however, unless you have integrity and a
solid system, you don’t have the right “wood” for the fire to burn consistently.
And if your "fire" doesn't burn consistently, it will go out.
All in all, we need to be excited about something
that is SOLID and honest (HBA is this).
And there must be consistency in our actions.
Get the training you need to learn the skills to succeed. Be a part of the HBA
Traffic and Conversions (T&C) zoom and learn over the
shoulder from six and seven figure earners each day.
This has created such excitement for me personally. In addition, having the goal to bring
in 24 - 30 members in HBA (at the $25 level), I encourage everyone to take the
T&C level for two weeks FREE and see why this matters so much in succeeding with HBA:
Formula: 24 - 30 members at the T&C level in HBA = $3000 - 4000 a month (or full time income).
Going over my goals once in the morning and once at night is essential to staying on track.
Daily / weekly interaction with successful people
Not only does this continue the excitement, but it is important to realize that if you want to
achieve a certain goal, you must be around those who have achieved what you want to achieve.
You can only help people achieve the level you have achieved, so it’s important to be around others
who have achieved more than we have.
The Importance of Duplication
When you bring others into a system that is duplicatable, it helps us
so everyone on our team can get trained easily. Also we don’t have to “reinvent the wheel”.
In other words, just bring your new members into this system so they can be trained and
learn from the best. That way, you don't have to do all this hard work of
teaching and training your team yourself.
If you're not in Traffic & Conversions (T&C) and would like to be
Click HERE.
Where to find and access T&C each morning:
11 am (EST), 10 am (CST), 9 am (MST) & 8 am (PST)
Step 1. Login to HBA. Go to Tab across the top called " Premium, Traffic and Conversions" and click on it.
Step 2. Then go to "Get Coaching, Live Masterminds" black button down below.
Step 3. Then click on "T&C Action Masternind (11am EST)"
Step 4. Then click the yellow button to join Zoom room.
Don't have a way to login?
You may join HBA HERE
or see your Sponsors link HERE:
Put into DAILY ACTION what you learn with as much time as you can each day.
Plan ahead to save up a little each month in order to come to
the “Freedom Fest” each year.
This will help you:
- Develop relationships with everyone in the community,
- Find your “workout partner”,
- Build your personal mastermind group,
- Create the necessary retention rate so that your team won't quit.
It has been proven that those who attend the Freedom Fest in person
(or online), have a 93% retention rate and will stick with you!
Another reason why this is so important
is because this allows each person who attends to get around other people who
are having success and realize that “if they can do it, so can I”.
Not only this but what I’ve found in HBA, is like a “second family” and this connection with all
of you has been so beautiful and I believe it is essential in your attitude and how you come across
to those you’re sharing HBA with. Your excitement and your personal story is so important.
Albie and some new friends at Freedom Fest 2024
Thinking of Attending? Connect with Albie to Get All
Your Questions Answered: Click HERE
If you do these FOUR things you will:
-Stay accountable to your goals and dreams each day and work on them every day
so that you finally begin to get somewhere.
-Be a part of the principle of having (or finding) a workout partner and the principle
of having or developing a mastermind with other like minded people.
-By connecting with your workout partner each day and your mastermind group each week,
this will change your life as you will have a workout partner who will push you forward a little more
and encourage you, inspire you to do more and be more and your mastermind group will help you
find the things you are lacking to be successful.
- Eventually learn the 5 Critical Skills (that changed my life). Getting on the T&C
each day will help you to learn these.
- Develop a duplicatable plan that anyone can do and that will free up your time.
How will it free up your time? Because you won’t have to be the “super sponsor” that knows it all or
that has to go out of your way to do back flips to help your team. Just encourage them to do
the exact things you are doing.
- Opens the door for you to earn $100 per customer who you encourage
to keep this sane system. You only need 24 to go full time!
Do You See And Understand The Formula?
1. Get inspired everyday, so you can inspire others. .
2. Go to the training every day, so you can learn the
practical steps how to inspire others. ...............
3. Take ACTION each day. .......................................
4. Save up each month and go to the Freedom Fest ..
(each year). It will be this in particular where ..
"the lightbulb" will come on" (see if I'm not....
not right!) ........................................................
By being inspired (#1) everyday, this will encourage you to learn the skills (#2) so that
you can take action (#3) to get your first member, and then develop your skills to bring in
more and more. In time you will develope relationships (#4) with the top earners and other successful
members and learn from them. If you see this path clearly, truly want it and believe deep down that this
is the path you were created to take, we believe that doing these four things will
eventually lead you a place where you can achieve your goals and dreams!